All the resources you need to upgrade Creo in one place
You will need to monitor end user usage, ensure there are no issues with your upgrade, and prepare your internal application support team.
During and immediately following deployment, the project team and support team should be readily available to resolve any issues. They should also know how to contact PTC Technical Support if necessary.
Thorough testing of the Creo version is vital to ensure the data integrity of models and reduce critical emergencies. PTC offers services to support you in your upgrade implementation, such as Dedicated Support Engineers & Technical Support Account Managers. If interested in an expert, contact Renewal Advisor to learn details.
If pursuing an upgrade on your own, we recommend that during any testing and deployment activity, at least one CAD Admin and Support member are available.
After deployment of the new Creo version is completed, the team who implemented the version upgrade will transfer ownership to your trained and dedicated support organization. This team is responsible for providing technical support to your CAD Admins as well as Creo end users, among other duties. Ensure the application support team is trained and prepared to resolve potential issues.
After the handoff, your support organization should never make changes to the application in production. Finally, note the change(s) in the documentation.
Technical Support at PTC is here to help you succeed during your upgrade and beyond. With your subscription we offer:
When looking for help, we recommend you: