Upgrade Your Creo Parametric

All the resources you need to upgrade Creo in one place

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Recommended Steps
Overview: Upgrade Your Creo Parametric

Manage Creo Licenses

At PTC, we use FlexNet Publisher as our chosen provider for License Management. To learn more about license types and systems at PTC, please review our licensing basis table for PTC Creo & Other MCAD Products.’

Before you begin, complete these steps:

01. Requirements for FlexNet

Before you begin, it is crucial to check on the compatibility, hardware, and software requirements of FlexNet Publisher to ensure that you can successfully check-in or check-out licenses for usage. Be sure to review:

02. Installing License Managers

When you are ready to download FlexNet publisher, find the link under Additional Downloadable Software Updates in the Order or Download Software Updates webpage.

The Creo Installation Central Resource offers step-by-step instructions to perform common Creo tasks like installing license servers.

  • If using LMGRD, visit the Create License Service (LMGRD) page listed in recommended resources to learn how to add a LMGRD server manually.
    • You need to be signed into eSupport to access this page.
    • This page includes written instructions and a video tutorial to guide you through the license service creation process.
  • If using LMADMIN, visit the Install LMADMIN Web Interface page listed in recommended resources to learn how to install the PTC License Server.
    • You need to be signed into eSupport to access this page.
    • This page includes written instructions and a video tutorial to guide you through the installation process.

You can find more details between the two manager services (LMGRD and LMADMIN) in the FlexNet Publisher’s License Administration Guide (see link below in recommended resources).

Recommended Resources

03. Managing Licenses

To start, be sure to check your license entitlements with our PTC Licensing Tool or Request a License Report. When working with Creo, you'll need to manage licenses available at the company. This includes who, when and where a user checks in or checks out the license for usage. Review how to manage licenses using PTC Licensing Tool.

Getting New License Files

New license files for Creo are retrievable from the PTC Installation Assistant, as well as the PTC License Management Web tools, where you can request a license pack via email.

Note: Creo licenses are backward compatible (i.e., a newer release license can be used on older Creo versions). However, you must update the older license to a new release level when installing the new version.

Applying or Updating New License Files

If you have recently increased the number of licenses purchased or are a new customer, you will have to apply or update new license files on FlexNet Admin License.

  • If using LMGRD, visit the Update LMGRD New License page listed in recommended resources.
  • If using LMADMIN, visit the Update LMADMIN New License page listed in recommended resources.

These pages include written instructions and a video tutorial to guide you through the license update process for LMGRD and LMADMIN. You need to be signed into eSupport to access these pages.

Borrowing, Reserving, or Excluding Licenses for Users

In Creo, you can also borrow or reserve licenses for users in advance. Visit Advance License Setting (you need to be signed into eSupport to access this page) to learn more about:

  • How to borrow licenses for Creo Parametric
  • How to reserve licenses for specific users or groups
  • How to exclude a particular user from using some license feature in Creo Parametric
Recommended Resources

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