Article - CS134024
Supported version of various external data exchange file formats in on-prem Creo Parametric
Modified: 23-Dec-2024
Applies To
- Creo Parametric 8.0 to 11.0
- Supported data exchange versions of 3MF, AutoCAD, CADDS5, CATIA V4, CATIA V5, Creo Elements/Direct (CoCreate), Creo View (ProductView), DXF & DWG, Inventor, JT, NX / Unigraphics, Rhinoceros, SolidWorks and STEP files
- Supported Data Exchange Version Support matrix
- Different version supported for importing file from other CAD software into Pro/ENGINEER
- Detailed list of data exchange version support
- Issue with opening NX 9 release data. Creo Parametric 3.0 open it as curves not as a solid
- Whether Creo 3.0 import support CATIA V5-6R2014, Inventor 2015, SolidWorks 2014, NX 8.5 & 9.0, SolidEdge ST6 & ST7, Parasolid R25
- Unable to Import/Display Catia V5 R24/ SolidWorks files
- Getting the error message Invalid DWG file when importing DWG file
- Message "Pre-R6 CATIA V5 data is not supported by Creo Parametric's CATIA V5 Interface."
- Is there any information about the support of Solid Edge ST8
- Support for IGES (.igs, .iges) and Parasolid (.x_t .xmt_txt .x_b .xmt_bin .x_n)
- Which datecode of Creo Parametric 7.0 will support JT 10.5 and 10.6
- Which datecode of Creo Parametric 7.0 will support Rhino 6 and 7
- After importing Rhino (*.3dm), there is no geometry
- Export files from Creo Parametric to Parasolid format.
- Error Unsupported version of SolidWorks file
- What version of Solidworks is supported in Creo Parametric 9.0/10.0
- Unable to open Solidworks 2023 in Creo Parametric
- Creo Parametric 7.0 Which date code supports importing native model files from Solidworks 2023 and Inventor 2023
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