Searching the PTC Technical Support Knowledge Base
Useful Web Tools and Functions
Our Knowledge base and other knowledge related services such as proactive support alerts are available from the eSupport Portal . In order to access the portal, you will have to authenticate with your user login (your email address) and password.
If you do not have an account yet, you can create an account according to your role.
Customer Account: If you, or your company, have purchased a Global Support agreement with PTC, you are entitled to this account level. Please refer to your PTC Software Order Fulfillment Letter for information necessary to setup your customer account, such as your Service Contract Number (SCN).
Partner Account: If you are a PTC Value Added Reseller, use this form to create an account that will enable access to PTC Internal Partner areas. For more information about Partner Access, read the Partner & Reseller Portal information page. If you also require access to PTC's Support entitled areas please also input an SCN, SON or Site # as part of your account creation.
Academic Account: This account will be used to download educational software, access the academic program systems and PTC Communities. PTC will not use student email addresses for any marketing purposes.
Note: PTC will not knowingly accept personal information from children without parental consent. If you are under 13 years old, please include your parents' e-mail address so that we are able to obtain consent to maintaining this account. In the event a parent wishes to remove or correct the Account, please contact Account Support.
How do I search in the Knowledge Base?
Log in to PTC eSupport Portal. The search box appears in the middle of the Portal landing page.
To search in Knowledge Base, type a word or phrase into the search box. Click the Search button or press the Enter button on your keyboard.
How to use refiners to refine the search results?
There are 2 approaches to refine the search results.
Can I have a quick look at my search terms in the results?
Yes, every search result lists one or more excerpts from the web page to display how your search terms are used in context on that page. In the excerpt, your search terms are displayed in bold text so that you can quickly determine if that result is from a page you want to visit.
2 efficient tricks to quickly review the content and get to the right document:
Can I search for a phrase or a sequence of words?
Yes, you can search for a phrase by enclosing words in quotation marks (“”). For example, "file server" retrieves pages containing only this exact sequence of words. Words enclosed in double quotes appear together in all returned documents. Phrase searches using quotation marks are useful when searching for technical terms or specific names.
Is the search case sensitive?
The search engine is not case sensitive. All letters, regardless of how you enter them, are understood as lower case. The search engine matches words and concepts regardless of capitalization. For example, a search on file server also retrieves pages containing the words File Server.
Will the search check my spelling?
Yes, the present search engine checks spelling and suggests replacements when it doesn't recognize your search term. This function only supports English search terms. Tip : Use copy & paste from the application or logs into the search UI.
Why didn't my search find anything? What should I do?
Your search didn't find anything because you spelt a word incorrectly, chose the wrong query or because the information you're looking for isn't available in the Knowledge Base.
As the first step, please check your spelling to confirm the correct input. Make changes and search again.
If the information you're looking for isn't available in Knowledge Base, you can open any article on the topic you are interested in and ask for more content through the Article Feedback Widget on the left-hand side of the page.
Don't give up if your first search finds nothing useful; the information you want might still be out there. Try searching for what you want in a different way or even just putting your words in a different order.
Why did my search find so many results? What should I do?
If the results are not what you expect or too many results are returned, you can change your current query by using an alternative word or gradually adding more keywords. Refine your search results using Refiner panel.
Our Knowledge Base grants you a direct access to a huge volume of information. To perform a basic search, type a few unique, descriptive words in the search box and click the Search button. Note the following for optimal search results
Basic Search Tips
Query Language
For more refined searches, special functions and operators are available. All operator terms must be in capital letters.
Type-Ahead Suggestions
PTC Knowledge Base Search offers suggestions as you enter the query term in the search box. If you select the relevant suggestions, the system displays the search results for that suggestion. This feature is available in the search box on the Search Results page. The presented suggests contain search term text as it is entered.
PTC Knowledge Base Search suggests a correction if your query term is possibly misspelled. You can see these suggestions in the format of “Did You Mean”.
Your query has at least one result, and the system suggests a term or phrase a clickable option for you.
We are committed to providing you with the best content on PTC Products as quickly as we can. As a consequence, some Technical Support authored articles might be published to the web with partial information or typos.
You can help us improve this content by sharing your feedback through our Article feedback widget, available on the left-hand side of each article. Customer feedback is routed to the article author or technical experts for review.
You can access the Technical Support Subscriptions tool through the eSupport Portal navigation bar, under “Tools” Panel by clicking on “Manage Notifications”.
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You can choose to receive daily or weekly notifications on changes to documents, software availability, cases, and other relevant support updates.