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PTC Customer Support Engagement Guide
Get to know PTC's Service Offerings and how to engage, interact and make the most of Technical Support.

Pre-Contact Checklist

Before you contact Technical Support, troubleshoot your issue by following the steps in the pre-contact checklist:

1.   Visit the eSupport Portal. This website contains thousands of helpful information and technical documents, including:     

  • Articles: Contain knowledge of PTC software solutions collected during problem solving. Article content is updated based on demand and usage
  • Historical documents: Suggested Techniques, FAQs, TANs, TPIs, which provide technical information on PTC software solutions. These documents are not updated.
  • Reference Documents: Help Centers, Installation Guides, Release Notes and more

2.   Read relevant documentation to verify that you used the correct procedure to solve your problem.

3.   Try to reproduce the issue by performing the same procedure again, using the minimum number of steps.

4.   Determine if the issue also occurs in a newly created or a simpler model or object.

If you’re unable to solve the problem with these steps, record the following information before contacting Technical Support:

  • The environment in which the problem occurs, including:
    • the product; for example, Creo Elements/Pro
    • technical area or mode; for example, Detail, Assembly, Part, Structural and Thermal Simulation
    • menu selections.
  • Your hardware type and model, operating system version, amount of RAM, and swap space.
  • Any messages that appear in the message or start window.

To determine a release and version, see the following table:



Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher

Click Help>About Arbortext Advanced Print Publisher.

Arbortext Architect, Editor, Styler

Click Help>About Arbortext>Version.

Arbortext Publishing Engine Interactive

Click Help>About Arbortext Publishing Engine Interactive>Version.


Click and hold the CADDS 5 logo.

Creo Elements/Direct Drafting

Click Help>About CoCreate Drafting

Creo Elements/Direct Modeling

Click Help>About CoCreate Modeling

Creo Elements/Direct Model Manager or Drawing Manager

Click Help>About CoCreate Model Manager

Click Help>About CoCreate Drawing Manager

Creo Elements/Direct WorkManager / DDM

Click Help>Info.

Creo Parametric

Click Help> About.

Creo Simulate

Click Help > About.

Creo Schematics

Click Help > About.

Creo View

Click Help> Technical Support Info.


View the listing in the footer of the FlexPLM home page. Alternatively, review the contents of the file: <$WT_HOME>/web-root/jsp/main


Please provide both Client and Server information:

Client:Click Help > Aboutand note the build number

Server:Navigate to the Integrity Server homepage (eg. integrity.ptc.com:7001) and note the build number from the bottom right section

InterComm EDAcompare

ClickTools > Settings. See theVersionbox.

InterComm EDAconduit

In EDA Generator, clickHelp > About

and note the release, date code, and patch.

InterComm Expert

Click Help > About InterCommand note the release, date code, and patch.


Click Help > About Mathcad.

Optegra EPD.Connect

Click HELP > About EPD.Connect.

Optegra Vault (UNIX)

Use the UNIX command:
more <$EPD_HOME>/data/edmvers.

Optegra Vault (Windows)

Use the Registry Editor:
Regedit hkey_local_machine
Software, Computervision, Vault server.

Windchill DynamicDesignLink
Windchill PDMLink
Windchill ProjectLink

Click About <Product Name>, where <Product Name> is the name of a Windchill Solution.

Windchill PartsLink

Browse to the server machine folder <PartsLink loadpoint>\version.