Structural Simulation and Analysis Software

Explore PTC’s solutions for incorporating structural analysis into the design process.

What is structural simulation and analysis?

Structural analysis is the determination of the effects of static and dynamic loads on parts, assemblies, and mechanisms in order to avoid failure. Terms such as ‘geometric buckling’ give a vivid picture of what can happen when parts fail. Ideally, simulation-driven design begins early in the product development process and helps find flaws earlier, speeds up design, and improves product quality.

Benefits of structural simulation and analysis

Structural simulation and analysis in CAD modeling offers significant advantages. It improves design quality, reduces costs, and accelerates development. This tool ensures safety, optimizes material usage, and aids in environmental impact reduction. Simulation allows for better visualization, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and design verification. It facilitates innovation and informed decision-making, while providing valuable historical data for future improvements.

<span style="background-color: #f3f3f3; color: #323b42;">Structural simulation and analysis in CAD modeling offers significant advantages. It improves design quality, reduces costs, and accelerates development. This tool ensures safety, optimizes material usage, and aids in environmental impact reduction. Simulation allows for better visualization, cross-disciplinary collaboration, and design verification. It facilitates innovation and informed decision-making, while providing valuable historical data for future improvements.</span>

Improve collaboration

Structural simulation and analysis improve collaboration by providing a common digital platform for engineers, designers, and stakeholders to share insights, iterate on designs, and make data-driven decisions.

Structural simulation and analysis improve collaboration by providing a common digital platform for engineers, designers, and stakeholders to share insights, iterate on designs, and make data-driven decisions.

Improve product reliability

Structural simulation and analysis allow for in-depth testing and refinement of designs, ensuring they can withstand real-world conditions and stresses. This enhances product durability and minimizes the risk of unexpected failures and recalls.

Structural simulation and analysis allow for in-depth testing and refinement of designs, ensuring they can withstand real-world conditions and stresses. This enhances product durability and minimizes the risk of unexpected failures and recalls.

Minimize last-minute design iterations

Structural simulation and analysis help designers identify potential issues early in the development process. Catching issues virtually allows engineers to make informed decisions, reduces project delays, saves resources, and improves product quality.

Structural simulation and analysis help designers identify potential issues early in the development process. Catching issues virtually allows engineers to make informed decisions, reduces project delays, saves resources, and improves product quality.

Structural analysis types

Static analysis

Static Analysis

Used to calculate deformations, stresses, and strains on your model in response to specified loads and subject to specified constraints. Static analysis
Dynamic analysis

Dynamic Analysis

Dynamic analysis is a branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the motion, but sometimes also to the equilibrium, of rigid bodies. Dynamic analysis
Combined structure and thermal studies

Structural and Thermal Studies

Multiphysics studies in Creo Ansys Simulation enable you to simulate thermal expansion by combining structural and thermal physics. Combined structure and thermal studies
Modal analysis

Modal Analysis

Use modal analyses to calculate the natural frequencies and mode shapes of your model. Based on the natural frequencies and mode shapes, you can modify your model by changing its stiffness or mass. Modal analysis

Analysis for engineers and analysts


Structural analysis for design engineers

Designers can incorporate structural analyses using Creo Simulation Live in their design process to adjust components and meet certain requirements.

This incorporation of simulation when designing is less about going into a full range of full-fidelity simulation tools to guide your design decisions and more about using accurate easy-to-use studies that operate in real time, as you edit parts of your design to quickly gauge if something will work or not.

Explore Creo Simulation Live

Structural analysis for analysts

Say you want to run a simulation on a part to see at which point it would fail. If you were using Creo, you'd simply click a tab to move into Creo Ansys Simulation, input reaction loads, define the structural analysis, and run it with a few clicks. You can interrogate the results, make changes, rerun the simulation—no need to recreate it—and be off.

Explore Creo Ansys Simulation

Structural simulation and analysis case studies


The handbike of the future

Learn how university professor and industrial designer Marco Antonelli used PTC’s Creo to design an innovative handbike.

Read Case Study

HPE COXA speeds time to market

Learn how Creo makes it easy to integrate emerging technologies into design and production.

Read Case Study
Related structural analysis and simulation capabilities

Thermal Analysis

Learn more about the PTC tools that allow you to run thermal analysis.

Modal Analysis

Check out this page to understand the PTC tools that allow you to run modal analysis.

Finite Element Analysis

Explore this page to understand the PTC tools that allow you to run finite element analysis.

Computational Fluid Dynamics

Learn about the PTC tools that allow you to run computational fluid dynamic analysis.

Additive Manufacturing

Explore additive manufacturing and learn about the PTC tools that allow you to break the barriers of traditional manufacturing.


Check out this page to understand the PTC tools that allow you to work with composites.