Servigistics has the broadest and deepest set of capabilities for service parts optimization in the industry.
Uses statistical algorithms, IoT data, and other information to develop the most accurate forecasts possible for every level of your supply chain.
Multi-Echelon Optimization (MEO)
Determines the lowest cost solution to achieve desired service levels across a multi-echelon supply chain using advanced optimization solvers.
Asset Sustainability Optimization (ASO)
Develops stocking plans to guarantee desired uptime or availability levels of complex assets such as aircraft, weapons systems, or utilities.
Network Optimization
Determines the optimal stocking locations and recommends coverage for the installed base to minimize facility and transportation costs while meeting SLA requirements.
Lifecycle Analysis
Ensures your supply chain can support product lifecycle management initiatives, including new product introductions, end-of-life, and configuration changes.
Servigistics + ThingWorx = Connected Service Parts Management
Combine the power of Servigistics and ThingWorx by collecting data directly from your install base to improve forecast accuracy and deliver next-level value.
Initial Provisioning
Sets procurement and stocking recommendations for parts associated with new products or product families.
K-curve Cycle Stock
Determine order quantity for order planning by developing an optimal ABC classification of parts by order frequency, including annual usage, part/pair cost and order frequency sets.
Last Time Buy
Systematically mines lifecycle demand data from parts that have been through the entire lifecycle.
Demand Planning
The most sophisticated demand planning and forecasting capabilities on the market, addressing low-volume and sporadic demand, new product introduction and end-of-life, and a rapidly changing install base with frequent engineering changes.
Lifecycle Management
Forecast parts demand for every stage of a product's lifecycle.
Dealer Inventory Management
Empowers your dealers to maintain optimal stocking levels.