The Technical Support Engineer analyzes your information and data. If the engineer detects a software issue, he or she submits a Software Performance Report (SPR). Technical Support uses SPRs to submit software issues to the PTC Software Development department for resolution. Each SPR has a unique number, for example, SPR123456, that you can use to identify the issue.
When an SPR is submitted, Technical Support assigns a severity to the SPR and notifies you of the SPR number issued for your case. Severities for SPRs are as follows:
Severity Level |
Description |
Enterprise Down |
A production enterprise system is down. |
Urgent |
Highly critical software issue that is causing a work stoppage. |
High |
Critical software issue that affects immediate work. |
Medium |
Software issue that does not affect immediate work. |
Low |
Software issue that does not affect work. |
You can track the status of SPRs filed by your company using the SPR Tracker located in the Technical Support website (eSupport Portal). You can view SPRs filed by yourself or your company. The SPR Tracker enables you to search, track, and sort your SPRs.
You can track an SPR in English, French, German, Italian, or Japanese.
When an SPR is resolved, the Technical Support Engineer will notify you and send you a software correction or will refer you to the eSupport Portal for downloadable fixes.
MCAD SPRs might be eligible for re-evaluation. This is valid for selected SPRs and is indicated by the Re-evaluation Status field stating “eligible”. You can either open a new case or re-open an existing case and your Technical Support Engineer will guide you through the process.