Blogs How AR Solutions can get you close to your customers without leaving town

How AR Solutions can get you close to your customers without leaving town

July 29, 2022

Burckhardt Compression developed UP! Solutions, a set of solutions that enables their technicians to be close to customers and deliver qualified support very quickly anywhere in the world – on land or at sea – without leaving their headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland.

Burckhardt Compression develops, manufactures, and sells labyrinth piston compressors, process gas compressors, hyper compressors and high-pressure as well as high-speed compressors and diaphragm compressors and offers a wide range of services solutions for those. They are used in industry to compress, transport and store gases. Their very long service life of 40 to 60 years makes customer relations and service decisive factors for the company's success.

Though almost 180 years old, the global market leader in reciprocating compressor systems is anything but old school. As an early adopter of AR technology, Burckhardt Compression is a forerunner in the industry, developing high-tech remote service solutions based on PTC’s augmented reality (AR) portfolio Vuforia.

UP! Solutions allow compressors to be monitored and serviced in real time with the customer technician using a tablet or wearing a HoloLens headset. The compressor units are equipped with sensors that constantly collect data such as vibrations or temperature. This data is then analyzed and used, for example, to detect anomalies or schedule service work.

This process helps customers digitize their processes and reap the efficiency benefits. UP! Solutions from Burckhardt Compression enable experienced technicians to virtually look over the shoulder of the customer on site to give them instructions, detailed explanations and tips on how to perform repairs.

Burckhardt Compression is in realization of their work instruction projects and modules using Vuforia Expert Capture and the Instruct module. Vuforia is able to capture an expert performing a process and can be used to transfer this domain knowledge to less experienced employees and then monitor the process during the learning phase. The system reinforces standard practices on how to perform their tasks safely and accurately. In further developing this "wingman" process, PTC is working closely with Burckhardt Compression, for valuable input from the field.

The two companies are also collaborating on the development of a type of Metaverse AR solution where the customer's work environment can be mapped in a virtual representation, so that the Burckhardt technician sees not only a limited view of the customer site, but the entire environment. Putting both technicians in the same metaverse, almost eliminates the distance factor. In addition, Burckhardt will integrate the first compressors with the IIoT platform PTC ThingWorx this year.

Thomas Wenger Thomas Wenger was promoted to Area Vice President / Country Manager for Central Europe (D-A-CH) at PTC in October 2021. Always focusing on the individual added value for customers in the automotive / mobility, life sciences, process industry, electronics and high-tech as well as mechanical and plant engineering sectors, Thomas Wenger actively and purposefully drives forward projects that support companies in their digital transformation.

Thomas Wenger studied electrical engineering with a focus on automation technology at the Technical University of Munich. After graduating, he began his career as a project engineer at Siemens Anlagentechnik. He then moved to sales at the Austrian company KEBA AG, which is active in the field of automation technology, before taking up his first position at PTC as a sales engineer more than 20 years ago.

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