Article - CS358804

Is Windchill RV&S (formerly Integrity Lifecycle Manager) affected by the log4j vulnerabilities CVE-2021-44228, CVE-2021-45046, CVE-2021-4104?

Modified: 09-Feb-2022   

Applies To

  • PTC RV&S (formerly Integrity Lifecycle Manager) 10.7 to 12.5


  • Is Windchill RV&S (formerly Integrity Lifecycle Manager) affected by the log4j2 vulnerability CVE-2021-44228?
  • Is Windchill RV&S (formerly Integrity Lifecycle Manager) affected by the log4j2 vulnerability CVE-2021-45046?
  • Is Windchill RV&S (formerly Integrity Lifecycle Manager) affected by the log4j1 vulnerability CVE-2021-4104?
  • Is Windchill RV&S affected by the Log4Shell vulnerability?
  • What version of log4j is used with Windchill RV&S?
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