Article - CS341686
Creo Render Studio CPU & GPU rendering output difference for Emissive appearances in Creo Parametric
Modified: 14-Apr-2021
Applies To
- Creo Parametric
- Creo Parametric
- Nvidia Quadro RTX 3000 and above on newer drivers
- KeyShot library update in Creo Render Studio from KeyShot 7 to KeyShot 9.3 introduced GPU rendering support for Nvidia RTX series graphics cards
- Denoise functionality for GPU rendering mode was also introduced
- Default Denoise setting controlled by option denoise_render with values yes/no
- Denoise only available for GPU rendering
- Denoise functionality for GPU rendering mode was also introduced
- Emissive Appearances could have mismatch between GPU and CPU rendering modes
- Emissive Appearances rendered in GPU mode might appear brighter or darker than CPU mode
- Same intensity set for lights appear lighter/darker when rendered in GPU mode versus CPU mode
- Rendering output for model saved on machine using CPU rendering that contains emissive appearances will look different when retrieved on machine using GPU rendering
- All commonly used appearances, scenes, and lighting match between CPU and GPU rendering except emissive appearances
- Example rendering outputs containing emissive appearances on lights:
- CPU reference rendering (256 samples)
- GPU reference rendering (256 samples with Denoise enabled)
- Notice CFL bulb, monitor, and lamp intensity differences
- GPU corrected intensity rendering (256 samples with Denoise enabled)
- Monitor & CFL bulb intensity decreased, & lamp intensity increased
- GPU corrected intensity rendering (after 8 minutes elapsed with Denoise enabled)
- CPU reference rendering (256 samples)
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