What is takt time? Speed up the pace of production
Takt time, set to match the rate of customer demand, is the average time between the start of each unit in production. By reducing the time it takes to complete a product, you can optimize your capacity and to meet demand while lessening reserve inventory. You can calculate your takt time by dividing time available for production by your customer demand, or required units of production. PTC helps you combine asset and production monitoring into a single, simultaneous solution that reduces both takt and cycle times. You can achieve:
Up to a
Reduction in lead time
Up to a
Decrease in cycle time
Up to a
Reduction in unplanned downtime
Continuous improvement drives faster lead, cycle, and takt times
Long manufacturing cycle times can hinder your ability to grow and reach revenue targets. Whether your lead times reflect long waits between order and delivery of the finished product, or you need to make nanosecond improvements in your takt time, finding opportunities to speed up your manufacturing cycle is key to maximizing revenue growth. Monitoring your assets or monitoring your production in isolation isn’t enough. Developing the manufacturing speed needed to increase revenues and differentiate your brand demands an integrated data view that provides deep visibility and actionable insights across your manufacturing operation.