One of the things that is a growth option for Striker is a thing called 3D audio, where we can spatially position sounds very accurately. Nigel Kidd, product director for helmet-mounted displays, explains, “It’s more than just stereo. We can position sounds around the pilots such that if we give them a symbol on their display, we can make a sound come from exactly where that symbol is in the real world. So again, it’s about grabbing attention and making it intuitive, not having to think: ‘Okay, I’ve got a tone, where’s that tone coming from?’ It’s immediately apparent and you can look straight at it.” The helmet is able to provide information that can keep the pilot safe, reduce stresses in stressful environments and reduce the chances of mishaps. This type of technology moving from the high-end, fast jet fighter aircraft down to utility aircraft, both military and non-military.