With my high-end sabers, the user can take apart a couple of components – in this case, it’s two screws – and then you slide the bone segment back, and every lightsaber has got a crystal inside, it’s part of the lore. And the crystal reacts. With one lightsaber, it’s red, because the blade color is red, but if I alter the color, change the blade color, the crystal responds, and changes color to match whatever the blade color is. So a lot of the higher-end, more expensive sabers are ones that they can operate as a “Shelf Queen”, so we can take it apart, and they feel more real because they can see the crystal, and they can respond to the visuals of the inside of the saber, because they’ve all read the stories of Jedi creating their lightsabers and crafting them and working on these internal parts. They want to be able to see and interact with that.