Windchill Navigate for PLM Data

Get up-to-date PLM data into the hands of those that need it the most

Enable enterprise collaboration by providing real-time access to data

Windchill Navigate enables stakeholders throughout the organization to easily access the rich data stored within the organization’s enterprise system – no training required. With out-of-the-box (OOTB) role and task-based apps that provide contextualized information as well as the ability to easily customize apps to meet organizational needs, Windchill Navigate helps users spend less time searching for data and more time collaborating to: develop, manufacture, sell, and support world class products.

Why Windchill Navigate?

Engage stakeholders across the enterprise with relevant design data, engineering data, and PLM workflows.

Engage stakeholders across the enterprise with relevant design data, engineering data, and PLM workflows.

Provide easy access to product data

Give non-expert users simplified access to PLM content such as models, drawings, and documents so they can make better, faster decisions without engaging with unfamiliar systems or waiting on co-workers to deliver the data they need.

Give non-expert users simplified access to PLM content such as models, drawings, and documents so they can make better, faster decisions without engaging with unfamiliar systems or waiting on co-workers to deliver the data they need.

Enable easy participation in PLM workflows

Give infrequent or casual PLM users access to PLM workflows such as change requests and problem reports through simplified, role-based interfaces to improve speed and quality of collaboration.

Give infrequent or casual PLM users access to PLM workflows such as change requests and problem reports through simplified, role-based interfaces to improve speed and quality of collaboration.

Connect to other enterprise systems

Because Windchill Navigate easily connects to other enterprise systems, such as ERP, you can provide mashups of information from non-PLM sources in-context without replicating data. These eliminate the need for personal spreadsheets and similar un-governed, disconnected tools.

Because Windchill Navigate easily connects to other enterprise systems, such as ERP, you can provide mashups of information from non-PLM sources in-context without replicating data. These eliminate the need for personal spreadsheets and similar un-governed, disconnected tools.

Choose from flexible deployment options

Deploy on-premises or in the cloud. SaaS (Software as a Service) is also an option. With SaaS you can share consistent data and insights across disciplines, divisions, and external partners with pre-configured secure instances ready to jump start collaboration needs.

Deploy on-premises or in the cloud. SaaS (Software as a Service) is also an option. With SaaS you can share consistent data and insights across disciplines, divisions, and external partners with pre-configured secure instances ready to jump start collaboration needs.

Key Product Features: Role, Task-Based and Custom PLM Apps

View and compare drawings to quickly and easily identify differences

Simplified tailoring of standard apps for role-based configurations

Off-the-shelf and configurable integration connectors

View and download document attachments/secondary documents

Rapid application development environment with reusable components

End-to-end security with user and group permissions to protect IP

Broaden participation in digital change management workflows

View models in 3D, including playback controls for viewing animations and sequences, cross selection capabilities using attributes, and support for local language

Success with Windchill Navigate

Here are a few examples of how your peers are realizing value from enterprise-wide collaboration.

Polaris logo

Innovator spotlight: ZF

Learn how ZF has been able to make the right decisions on the right data at the right time, reducing lead times, lowering costs, and improving quality.

Watch the Videos

MAN truck and bus hits the fast lane with Windchill Navigate

Read how Windchill Navigate made the transition from legacy systems to Windchill smoother and is helping extend product information to more stakeholders than ever before.

Read the Story

Role and task based access at Polaris

See how Polaris extends product information across the enterprise based on the users role or task.

See the Demo

Steelcase provides easy access to engineering data on the shop floor

See how Steelcase offers stakeholders in production easy access to the most up-to-date engineering data.

Watch the Webcast

Volvo CE establishes a PLM foundation with collaboration at its core

Learn how Volvo CE is doing more with less by giving employees access to capabilities that allow them to better contribute to product development decisions.

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