Hanna Taller is a content creator for PTC’s ALM Marketing team. She is responsible for increasing brand awareness and driving thought leadership for Codebeamer. Hanna is passionate about creating insightful content centered around ALM, life sciences, automotive technology, and avionics.
We’re happy to announce the release of Windchill Modeler’s new version: Windchill Modeler 10. Keep reading to find out what’s new in this version!
Focusing on SysML
Systems Engineers utilize systems modeling as a cost-effective way to explore and document complex system characteristics. By testing and validating system characteristics early, models enable a timely understanding of properties and behaviors, enabling rapid feedback on requirements and design decisions. This model-based systems engineering (MBSE) approach is recognized by the International Council of Systems Engineers (INCOSE) as the application of modeling to support system requirements, design, analysis, verification, and validation activities beginning in the conceptual design phase and continuing throughout development and later life cycle phases. To successfully implement MBSE, systems engineers apply:
- Processes such as the V-Model, Scaled Agile Framework and DSDM
- Tools like Windchill Modeler
- A systems modeling language
Released in 2007, the UML (Unified Model Language) based OMG (Object Management Group) standard SysML v1 became the systems modeling language of choice. Then, following eight years of real-world implementation and wide-ranging research, members of the OMG (including PTC) identified the need to significantly improve SysML and started the process of defining SysML 2.0. PTC led one of the 7 workstreams to develop the requirements for the next-generation systems modeling language, which is intended to improve the precision, expressiveness, and usability over SysML v1. This RFP (request for Proposal) was completed in December 2017 and work then started on the submission of a draft standard. PTC played an active role in the SysML 2.0 Submission Team and the standard was released as Beta in June 2023, for finalization and approval by the OMG Board of Directors (which also includes PTC) in 2024.
Unlike SysML v1, SysML 2.0 is not based on UML and is specifically designed for systems engineering, from the ground up. It is more precise, more integrated and can support more complex systems than SysML v1. It also has a game changing, specified API based on REST and OSLC (Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration).
Core SysML 2.0 capabilities
Working in parallel with the OMG standardization process, Windchill Modeler 10 delivers PTC’s core implementation of SysML 2.0 two months after the beta release of the standard. This makes it one of, and probably the first, market leading modeling tool to provide SysML 2.0, the next generation of systems modeling.
"OMG announced the approval of the SysML v2 beta specifications on July 10, 2023. The announcement included quotes from several tool vendors who stated their intent to support SysML v2,” said Mike Bennett, OMG Technical Director. “We are excited to see Windchill Modeler 10 from PTC as probably the first market-leading SysML v2 modeling tool to become commercially available.”
Windchill Modeler 10 provides core SysML 2.0 capabilities, such as new Model Elements, Relationships, and Namespaces. It includes the new language-wide concepts of Definitions and Usages, as well as Package Filtering. SysML 2.0 Use Cases are provided for functional modeling, with Parts, Ports, and Connectors for structure modeling. These new SysML 2.0 capabilities are delivered in both the Microsoft Windows desktop client and the refreshed web browser user interface.
Windchill Modeler has always run live on Microsoft’s SQL Server multi-user, scalable database and previous releases delivered a powerful OSLC Client and Server, with extensions for suspecting, surrogates, reverse lookup and more. Windchill Modeler 10 now also implements the SysML 2.0 OSLC API Client and Server.
Advantages of using Windchill Modeler 10
Windchill Modeler 10’s next-generation SysML 2.0 capabilities enable you to easily create, view and manage system models, capturing requirements, use cases and logical structure elements as well as key interfaces and relationships. Windchill Modeler 10. provides an optimized user experience with extensive use of drag-and-drop, ensuring modeling is quick and intuitive.
These features are complemented by easy-to-use model and structure browsers, and usability aids such as package/diagram filters that allow you to control what items are visible or hidden. Windchill Modeler 10. also provides efficient modelling and reuse through the application of SysML 2.0 language constructs such as definition, usages, redefinitions and subclassification. You can accelerate adoption of SysML 2.0 and jump-start initial model development using the provided template models, example models and SysML 2.0 Model Libraries.
While Windchill Modeler now includes PTC’s first SysML 2.0 capabilities, it also continues to provide integrated UML (for model-based software engineering), SysML v1, OVM (Orthogonal Variability Modeling for model-based product line engineering), SySim (for system level, visual simulation, and co-simulation), and Asset Library for modular System-of-Systems design. Example profiles are also provided, making it easy to tune the standard-based languages for your own domains.
This means that you get the same market-leading modeling features, plus new SysML 2.0 modeling of requirements, use cases, and system architectures all in one integrated tool. You can continue modeling with SysML v1 and start to use parts of SysML 2.0 when you are ready.
Benefits of using Windchill Modeler 10
Windchill Modeler 10 provides more logical, accurate and precise systems modeling, with the addition of SysML 2.0. This is better for both systems engineers and less frequent stakeholders, who will find it easier to understand and review system models. The SysML 2.0 modeling in Windchill Modeler 10 is more consistent, particularly with definitions and usages for all model item types. Windchill Modeler 10’s SysML 2.0 is simpler, with concepts only represented once, unlike SysML v1 which has multiple standard notations for some concepts. Its formal modeling also reduces ambiguity and improves both the quality of the models and the resulting systems. PTC’s active involvement in defining SysML 2.0 means that it is designed to meet the needs of our Windchill Modeler customers.
Out-of-the-box Windchill Modeler 10 SysML 2.0 Model Libraries and templates accelerate system design through reuse and a reduced learning curve. The standard notation and API will enable better and faster interaction between Windchill Modeler 10 and other SysML 2.0 compliant modeling tools.
The improved interoperability between Windchill Modeler 10’s SysML 2.0 solution and other tool-chain products will unlock tool selection cost savings. The simplified SysML will also reduce the cost of systems engineer training and mentoring. As universities and training organizations move to SysML 2.0, more and more systems engineers will already have the necessary skills, therefore they will be saving on training costs. The improved SysML precision, expressiveness, consistency, and usability in Windchill Modeler 10 finds problems much earlier in the lifecycle, when they are much cheaper to fix.
Windchill Modeler 10
Learn more about the new features of Windchill Modeler 10!
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