[Webinar Replay] Future-Proofing Factories: The Seamless Data Connectivity Blueprint

Original Air Date: January 30, 2024

A unified data hub: The heart of a factory's digital transformation journey

Unleashing business-changing data-driven use cases is being able to connect every device on your factory floor – irrespective of its age or manufacturer. Beyond industrial connectivity is moving that data to any platform of your choice based on business considerations. This march towards instrumenting every factory floor element is quickly accelerating as smart businesses are beginning to see digital transformation projects that are proving to give them a competitive edge.

This journey towards connectivity isn’t just about connecting your factory devices, you also need to understand device and data platform protocols at a deep level to ensure data integrity, precision, and reliability. Ultimately the creation of a unified data hub becomes the heart of a factory's digital transformation journey, and the engine for future-proofing your business.

Join us for this webinar where Daniel Kirsch, Principal Analyst at RTInsights Research will unveil fresh insights on the significance of device-agnostic platforms, the importance of protocol mastery, and the transformative potential of centralized data hubs. Joining Dan will be Kyle Carreau, Manager of PTC Kepware Enablement who will share real-world challenges and successes that he has seen from businesses as they work towards future-proofing their operations amidst an ever-evolving technological landscape.

You’ll walk away from the webinar learning:

  • The need for a device and platform agnostic approach
  • How mastering protocols ensures a flawless data flow
  • Why a central data hub can supercharge your digital transformation journey
