A thorough understanding of avionics development regulations is key to achieving compliance.
DO-178C (Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification) provides airborne systems software development guidelines to establish objectives, activities, and tasks to achieve software safety and integrity. Compliance entails a rigorous process, including requirements capture and analysis, software design, coding, verification, validation, and thorough documentation of each step.
DO-254 (Design Assurance Guidance for Airborne Electronic Hardware) focuses on airborne systems electronic hardware development with guidelines for the design, verification, and validation of hardware components. DO-254 compliance also requires a well-documented and traceable process with rigorous testing and validation of all aspects of the hardware design.
AMC 20-152A (Development Assurance for Airborne Electronic Hardware) provides guidance on airborne systems electronic hardware development and certification, as well as guidelines and standards to ensure the hardware’s safety and reliability. It outlines the necessary steps and procedures in the development and certification process.