Manage Board Design Variability With Zuken CR-8000 Connector

Integrate Pure Variants with Zuken CR-8000 to control and manage board design variability.

Control and manage board design variability efficiently

Pure Variants Zuken CR-8000 Connector enables users to formally manage variability within Zuken CR-8000 Design Gateway projects by controlling variation type, variation item, and destination definitions through integration with Pure Variants. Pure Variants can generate destinations for specific variants and load manually created destinations from Zuken CR-8000 into Pure Variants, allowing for the analysis of manually configured destinations. This Pure Variants integration provides an editor for variability information, visualizations to preview variants, and helps identify errors in variability information directly in Zuken CR-8000.

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Unlock the full potential with our Zuken CR-8000 connector

The Zuken CR-8000 Connector integrates with Pure Variants to manage board design variability. Control variation points, generate and analyze destinations, and ensure error-free configurations. Simplify complexity and enhance consistency with our powerful integration solution.

The Zuken CR-8000 Connector integrates with Pure Variants to manage board design variability. Control variation points, generate and analyze destinations, and ensure error-free configurations. Simplify complexity and enhance consistency with our powerful integration solution.

Create or update Zuken destinations with variant models

Enables creation of new or updated Zuken destinations based on a set of variant models using Zuken transformation.

Enables creation of new or updated Zuken destinations based on a set of variant models using Zuken transformation.

Correct restriction errors with comprehensive checks

Ensures correctness of restrictions by providing an error check.

Ensures correctness of restrictions by providing an error check.

Feature-based tailoring and automated variant generation

Allow feature-based tailoring and automated generation of model variants.

Allow feature-based tailoring and automated generation of model variants.

Highlight interdependencies in board design variations

Express interdependencies between variation items in one board design.

Express interdependencies between variation items in one board design.

Consistent multiboard variant management

Enable variant management in multiboard systems and provides consistency.

Enable variant management in multiboard systems and provides consistency.