Generate variant-specific requirements with Pure Variants integration
Connect your DOORS Next requirements to a Pure Variants feature model and generate variant-specific requirements based on a feature selection for a specific variant. Variability mapping and intrinsic rules relating to optional, alternative, mandatory, and related features ensure valid, accurate, and consistent creation of specifications. Instead of using a copy-and-modify approach users can now make effective reuse of complete specifications.
The way variant specific requirements are provided can range from automatically filled columns with variant names, to variant-specific module copies to variant-specific streams and global configurations.
Best of all, our in-tool integration for DOORS Next lets you access all the required information from Pure Variants right from the web inside DOORS Next.

Empower your requirements management with DOORS Next integration
Streamline requirements management with the DOORS Next connector. Generate accurate, variant-specific requirements, ensure consistency, and integrate seamlessly with ALM and PLM processes.
Effortlessly generate variant-specific streams and configurations
Seamlessly creates variant specific streams and global configurations for all of your requirement assets.
Update without losing variant-specific changes
Supports iterative development for coevolution and update, which enables you to update a product line without losing variant-specific changes.
Scalable OSLC tech for ALM and PLM integration
Uses enterprise-scalable open services for lifecycle collaboration-based technology, designed to be integrated as part of an end-to-end solution for application (ALM) and product (PLM) lifecycle management.
Integrates with architecture and model-based development
Integrates with other systems engineering activities like architecture design and model-based development.
Simple language for modeling requirements relationships
Provides a rich, yet easy language for modeling relationships and restrictions between requirements.
Ensures integrity and supports variability in requirements modules
Allows you to check the integrity of your requirements modules by ensuring support for variability wherever desired.
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Learn more about Pure Variants
Pure Variants is a PLE solution that integrates into development processes to streamline product line development efficiently.
Pure Variants is a PLE solution that integrates into development processes to streamline product line development efficiently.