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Aerospace and Defense Automotive Electronics and High Tech Energy and Resources Industrial Equipment Retail and Consumer Products Software and Technology

Additive Manufacturing Connected Devices Generative Design Model-Based Definition Predictive Analytics Simulation

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Aerospace and Defense Automotive Electronics and High Tech Energy and Resources Industrial Equipment Retail and Consumer Products Software and Technology

Additive Manufacturing Connected Devices Generative Design Model-Based Definition Predictive Analytics Simulation

A composite material is literally any material that consists of two or more materials. This includes items such as concrete, plywood, and even 6,000-year-old Egyptian mud-straw bricks.

Learn the benefits of Model-Based Definition (MBD), the journey to a Model-Based Enterprise, and how Creo can support your MBD endeavors.

Check out the responses to the March 2024 Creo Community Challenge: A part design problem based around curves and sweeps.

Learn what composite design features in Creo 10 can do for your product-design process.

Check out the solutions to the Nov. 2023 Creo Community Challenge.

Read the submissions to the October 2023 Creo Community Challenge, which asked users to create isogrids on a curved surface.

Learn the basics of simulation-led design to increase your knowledge about CAD simulation and analysis.

Learn how members of the Creo Community solved the August 2023 Creo Community Challenge of designing an Archimedes screw.

Learn the differences between PTC Creo Simulation Live and Creo Ansys Simulation and the pros and cons of each.