Blogs What’s Next in Application Lifecycle Management at PTC?

What’s Next in Application Lifecycle Management at PTC?

June 7, 2023

Hedley Apperly (VP, ALM Products, PTC), and his team introduced the upcoming release and the features of all ALM products at LiveWorx 2023. We can expect great things from all products, so read on and find out what you can look forward to in the upcoming months!  


Codebeamer strategy and product roadmap  

The next version of Codebeamer is expected to be released at the end of June of 2023, with the name Codebeamer 2.0. The vision of Codebeamer is to be feature-rich, integrated, performant & scalable, and Cloud & SaaS based. The main focus of the 2.0 release will be on Working-Sets, Template Management, APIs, Scalability &OSLC.  

Working Sets  

Working-Sets are receiving a big improvement. They are going to reference common items, rather than copy them. This Lightweight-Working Set Preview will give you the opportunity to reference existing Working-Sets, you won’t need to copy them. Early tests will give you 1m items in 15 seconds. The Cross-Project Working Set Preview will allow you to take Working-Sets into other Working-Sets in a controlled way. This way you’ll be able to reuse and share between Working Sets.  

Template Management, API, and Improved Scalability & Performance  

On-demand inheritance will let you use deployment to update template trackers on demand, so you’ll be able to manage your templates in a controlled manner. 

API updates will include programmatic Template Deployment and read-only Working Set APIs.  

With the improved scalability & performance, you can expect 1000 Trackers per project and 100 000 items per tracker. KPIs and results will be provided closer to the release.  


Intelligent Reports will get you multi-level traceability in reports, allowing for unified traceability combining the benefits of “Traceability Bowser", “Intelligent Table View” (traceability in the table view), and reports as “Intelligent Reports”. Tracker Drill Down will help you navigate from report to filtered tracker, making it easier for you to find which tracker you’re looking for.  

OSLC & FlexLM Licensing Management

We are bringing you SSO (Single Sign-On) and with OSLC we are adding PTC Modeler, and Windchill RV&S as OSLC Clients, plus linking from multiple Item types, not just Requirements.  

With FlexLM Licensing Management we are taking the first step towards the PTC Standard Self-service License Generation. We are applying a new product shape and an optional Central License Server. For now, the existing License Management will also continue.  

Incremental Roadmap

With Codebeamer 2.1, Codebeamer, and Codebeamer X will be merged into one product with two user interfaces, and this will act as the foundation for future releases. As well as new capabilities, the best ideas from Codebeamer & Codebeamer X will be included in future releases, and the PTC Design Style will be applied incrementally. These releases will also bring AA Accessibility. As of now, Codebeamer 2.0 is code complete and on track for end-of-June delivery. We are currently in the detailed planning stages for 2.1 and the roadmap following it.  


PTC RV&S strategy and product roadmap  

The next version of PTC (previously Windchill) RV&S is expected to be released at the end of June of 2023 under the name of Windchill RV&S 13.2. This PTC RV&S vision is a  customer-prioritized roadmap, with many user-requested features, such as integration with Codebeamer and Digital Product Traceability with Flow & OSLC. The roadmap will also focus on safety-critical, business-critical, and regulation compliance with updates to the source code management, requirements & tests. Last, but not least, performance will be continuously improved.  

Since PTC RV&S has capabilities that Codebeamer doesn’t, it will receive continuous updates and improvements.  

Test Management, Items & Documents

Test Management will receive many updates, including the ability to add test cases to a session, mark test steps, test results, and result fields. You’ll be able to create related items to test cases and add attachments.  

With this release copy Item and field values will be coming your way. You will be able to create Related Items with copy fields and related Test Cases. With Copy/Move you will have the possibility to move the contents of a Document into another one. This update will allow you to add Documents as Sub Documents and Drag & Drop will allow you to create Relationships.  

Customer Feedback

As mentioned above this release is heavily focusing on the priorities of our customers, so we will be bringing Swing Custom Actions in a Refreshed Web-based user interface. The Relationship Viewer will get you enhanced Export and retain configured columns. You’ll be able to have an E-Signature, and Administrators will be able to set Server Alerts. Set Locale is also coming your way, the same as a Mini-Info Page.  


PTC Modeler strategy and product roadmap 

PTC Modeler is expected to be released in August 2023, under the name of PTC Modeler 10. Our focus points are improving usability, integration, innovation, and applying standards.  

The Web Interface will be adopting the PTC style. PTC Modeler 10 is going to be a big milestone update, in view of the fact that it will bring next-generation systems modeling: SysML 2.0. The fundamental entities of SysML 2.0 will include model elements, relationships, and namespaces. We are also bringing definitions and usages and package filtering to you with this update. Structure modeling of parts, port, and connectors will also be included in SysML 2.0.  

We are also introducing OSLC capabilities for server and client to enable the digital engineering thread.  


ALM Digital Thread status and roadmap 


As we know Windchill, PTC Modeler and Windchill RV&S already have a great linkage. In December of 2022, Codebeamer received an update, that offers seamless integration to Codebeamer from Windchill using the OSLC standard to connect the Engineering Digital Thread.  

Drag-&-drop OSLC linking from PTC Modeler to Codebeamer was then delivered in January this year. Moving forward we are planning to have OSLC linkage from Codebeamer to Windchill, PTC Modeler, and Windchill RV&S from Risks, Tests, and Requirements by the end of June 2023.  

Some of the information mentioned in this blog is forward-looking and is subject to change, without notice.  

Hanna Taller

Hanna Taller is a content creator for PTC’s ALM Marketing team. She is responsible for increasing brand awareness and driving thought leadership for Codebeamer. Hanna is passionate about creating insightful content centered around ALM, life sciences, automotive technology, and avionics.

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