Valentin Heun is a VP of Innovation Engineering at PTC where he is leading the PTC Reality Lab. His research focuses on new computer interaction methods for the physical space. His works have been published in academic conferences such as Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP, 2012, 2013), SIGGRAPH Asia (SA, 2012), Tangible Embodied and Embedded Interaction (TEI, 2013), Computer-Human Interaction conference (CHI, 2013) and User Interface Software and Technology (UIST, 2014). He has been interviewed by online media outlets such as Fast Company, Vice, Verge, Wired, Core77, PSFK, the Daily Dot, Stylepark, Makezine, and Boston Globe; received the 2012 SIGGRAPH Asia Emerging Technologies Prize, was awarded by Wired UK to the Smart List 2013, Postscapes 2016 Editors Choice Award for IoT Software & Tools, a finalist for the Fast Company’s 2016 Innovation by Design Award and his work was named by Fast Company as Boldest Ideas in User Interface Design 2015. Valentin holds a Ph.D. from the MIT Media Lab and the German Diplom in Design from the Bauhaus-University.