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Un Technical Support Account Manager (TSAM) di PTC è il responsabile personale dell'azienda cliente che si occupa di sfruttare tutte le funzionalità del sistema di supporto globale di PTC al fine di garantire che eventuali problemi critici ricevano la dovuta attenzione in modo tempestivo e accurato.
In una scheda/finestra diversa hai attivato un altro account ().
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PTC Technical Support offices are certified worldwide to ISO 9000 standards. This certification indicates our performance as a world-class support organization. This standard promotes consistent service, continuous self-improvement and a focus on customer satisfaction.
Successful certification means that all PTC technical support personnel adhere to a single set of carefully constructed processes and procedures in accordance with an internationally recognized standard and is validated by independent certification agencies. The result is that all customers receive the same quality of support. Technical Support received its first ISO 9000 certification in 1999. In 2018 our current certification was upgraded to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Select the image to download the full version of our ISO9000 certificate.