技術文章 - CS178060

PTC Mathcad Worksheet Library: Statistics

修改時間: 06-Jun-2016   


  • Mathcad Prime 3.0 to 5.0


  • Practical Statistics addresses the method of statistical decision making known as hypothesis testing as well as some of the methods involved in data analysis.  
  • The discussion of hypothesis testing in this electronic book serves two purposes:
  1. To offer guidance in the setting up of hypothesis tests by taking a look at many of the common (and a few uncommon) tests used in practice.
  2. To demonstrate, for both the occasional and professional statistician, how to perform hypothesis tests using Mathcad's functionality.
  • Within the discussion, we will see how to.
    • Select a random sample of data;
    • Form a frequency distribution;
    • Obtain descriptive measures;
    • Determine which type of analysis is appropriate;
    • Interpret our analysis results.
This is a PDF version of Article 178060 and may be out of date. For the latest version CS178060