CoolProp - Fluid properties database for PTC Mathcad Prime
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- Mathcad Prime 3.0 to 10.0
- Mathcad 15.0
- Currently, wrapper libraries are not available for Mathcad 15.0
- CoolProp is an open-source, cross-platform, free, thermo physical, fluid properties database that includes pure fluids, pseudo-pure fluids, and humid air properties. Nearly all the fluid models in CoolProp are based on Helmholtz energy formulations, and therefore the thermodynamic properties of interest can be obtained directly from partial derivatives of the Helmholtz energy.
- Distributed with the most recent version of CoolProp are PTC Mathcad “User Function” libraries, designed to wrap some of the primary CoolProp functions and make them available within PTC Mathcad worksheets. There are wrapper libraries defined for PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0. The CoolProp wrapper source code for PTC Mathcad is also open-source and distributed freely on the CoolProp Code Page here.