Article - CS279952
ThingWorx Analytics "Cannot delete ExtensionPackage [X_Y_Z] following entities are still in use: [X_Y_Z]
Modified: 03-Mar-2020
Applies To
- ThingWorx Analytics 8.1 to 8.5.2
- Underneath error occurs when attempting to delete the extension package analysisprovider-extension:
Cannot delete the extension package "analysisprovider-extension" since the following entities are still in use: entity: TW.AnalysisServices.RouterTemplate, used-by: Router_TW.AnalysisServices.ThingPredictorConnector_TW.AnalysisServices.RouterTemplate
- Underneath error occurs when attempting to delete the extension package ThingWorx_Analytics_Builder_Extension:
Extension Package deletion failed: Unable to Invoke Service DeleteExtensionPackage on PlatformSubsystem : Cannot delete ExtensionPackage [ThingWorx_Analytics_Builder_Extension] because the following Extension Entities are still in use: [entity: AnalyticsServerFilters, used-by: AnalyticsServerFiltersInstance
- Error when performing and update / upgrade of ThingWorx Analytics Extension
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