Article - CS279183
"ThingWorx Analytics Server Windows Services from a previous installation detected" error is reported when starting ThingWorx Analytics Server 8.2 installer on Windows.
Modified: 29-Aug-2018
Applies To
- ThingWorx Analytics 8.2
- Analytics Server can't be installed in new OS
- The following error is reported when executing ThingWorx Analytics Server installer on Windows OS with non-English language.
There has been an error.
ThingWorx Analytics Server Windows Services from a previous installation detected.
Please uninstall or remove the services before running a new installation.
Problem running post-install steps, installation may not complete correctly. Error occurred while configuring the windows service - thingworx analytics - results microservices
ThingWorx Analytics Server Windows Services from a previous installation detected.
Please uninstall or remove the services before running a new installation.
Problem running post-install steps, installation may not complete correctly. Error occurred while configuring the windows service - thingworx analytics - results microservices
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